Dr. Drea Zigarmi
Author | Motivational Speaker | Consultant | Inspire Partner

Highly respected and experienced management consultant, best-selling author, and motivational speaker. Drea is coauthor of Leadership and the One Minute Manager with Ken Blanchard.
He has co-authored The Leader Within, Achieve Leadership Genius, and The Team Leader’s Idea-A-Day Guide. Drea has co-created numerous Ken Blanchard Companies products, including the Situational Leadership II, DISC, and Optimal Motivation guides.
Dr. Zigarmi has been a valuable partner in helping inspire design over 50 years of research based leadership best practice software tools that can be used through our Continual Performance module. He has also developed On Demand leadership courses with Susan Fowler in Inspire’s Learning module that builds leadership skills at every level of an organization and allows users to directly apply.