Welcome to Inspire



Onboarding gives your organization the opportunity to ramp up as quickly and thoroughly as possible, to interact and become familiar with the Inspire platform. Onboarding is the entry point for employees and administrators alike.


Onboarding Approach

At Inspire we subscribe to a crawl, walk, run approach for onboarding clients. You will start by crawling to make sure your organization is comfortable with the platform, then walk, and then run as your organization progresses and excels within the platform. 


What to Expect

We customize our training approach and offering for each client to ensure we provide the most valuable onboarding experience possible. That said, we have a standard sequence of onboarding training which helps our clients optimize the effectiveness of their experience. You can expect the following onboarding experience:

(Week 1) Executive Discovery Session

This session is focused on gaining a clear understanding of your organization’s strategy, the status of the strategy, and to explore change management strategies to streamline the onboarding process. (Attendees: Executive Team, Managers, Key Stakeholders, OKR Advocates) *This session may not be applicable for all organizations.

(Week 1-2) Admin Training 1

This introductory training provides an administrative overview of the Inspire platform, key features, capabilities, and best practices. (Attendees: Your organization’s Inspire Administrators)

(Week 2-3) Admin Training 2

This focused training provides more detailed instruction on key administrative features that your organization will be leveraging. (Attendees: Your organization’s Inspire Administrators)

(Week 3-4) User Training

This user-focused training walks users through an overview of the Inspire platform to provide foundational knowledge and insights on key features your organization will be using. We recommend a train-the-trainer approach for these trainings. (Attendees: Key Stakeholders or All Users)

Additional trainings provided as necessary based on organizational needs.

Getting Started with Inspire

Login & become familiar with the navigation

Login to the application and become familiar with the navigation. This can be accessed from the waffle icon or by selecting from the main menu navigation.

*Note: The available navigation options can be customized by administrators and may change overtime as you leverage key areas of the application.

Review the Inspire Quickstart on the homepage

Once you’ve signed-in to Inspire you will be presented with a home screen. In most cases, your home screen will include a Quickstart widget with tasks which we recommend completing to become familiar with the capabilities of Inspire.

*Note: This step may not be applicable for some organizations.

Review your profile for accuracy

Access your profile by selecting your user image or icon in the top right corner of Inspire. Ensure everything is accurate, and familiarize yourself with the available options.

*Note: Some areas of your profile won’t be populated yet; as you leverage the platform more and more these areas will fill in. 


Customize your Inspire experience so that it best aligns with the way you work. Key areas to customize are your homepage and navigation options.

  • Your homepage can be customized by selecting the edit pencil in the top right of this page to expose a list of available widgets to add and organized using drag-and-drop.
  • Navigation can be customized through the module menu available when selecting the waffle icon. Toggle on or off any of the main menu options to make the most important modules easily accessible

For help and support

Create a Culture of Performance Excellence

The best way to learn about our extensive platform is to speak with an Inspire expert. Whether you are just doing research right now or are looking for a full demo, we are here to help!